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Posts Tagged ‘States

On The Democratic Nomination

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Recently my co-author conveyed his feeling in regards to the nominations of both parties. I felt that I should chip in with my thoughts and beliefs on said topic, though I shall primarily focus on the nomination of the Democratic Party. My opinions are quite similar to those of Ethan, but I have some slight variations in my motivation for those opinions.

Obama currently is my candidate of choice. His policy changes are along the lines of that which I hope for and his charisma is simply unrivaled. Though charisma in a candidate is typically the least of voters’ worries (or rather, should be the least of their worries,) in a case such as this where the two leading candidates have similar policy, charisma becomes the primary deciding factor.

I was lucky enough to attend a rally for Obama, and I can say that his speech-giving abilities are very commendable. He is able to instill an enthusiasm and optimism in the audience that surpasses that present at any of the other candidates’ speeches. He also proves the ludicrousness of the typical cynical attitude carried by his fellow presidential hopefuls.

However, there are certain worries I have. Obama’s plans for health care, environmental policy, etc. would be rather hard to bring into play I would assume. Major corporations and, of course, pharmaceutical companies specifically, will not necessarily bow down to such changes easily. The changes would dramatically reduce their profit, and I think we all know how much major corporations love their profits.

I have begun to think further about it though, and I think it may be better to go into a new era for the US with a slightly optimistic and idealistic attitude rather than a downright cynical one; better to reach high and not make it all the way than to not reach at all.

Your writer,

Written by Nicholas

February 20, 2008 at 11:40 am